Records of Concord's 1835 Committee of Arrangements
Town of Concord 1835 bicentennial
The surviving records of Concord’s 1835 Committee of Arrangements include the list of subscribers to offset the deficit created by expenditures for the celebration and a file of responses to invitations sent by the committee. John Quincy Adams—a former president of the United States and in 1835 a representative in the United States Congress—wrote on September 10th to express his polite regrets. The number of letters of regret in the file suggest that Concordians took their local celebration considerably more seriously than did those not closely connected with the town.
All materials courtesy of the William Munroe Special Collections at the Concord Free Public Library
Town of Concord Committee of Arrangements
Concord Free Public Library
Town of Concord Committee of Arrangements, “Records of Concord's 1835 Committee of Arrangements,” William Munroe Special Collections at the Concord Free Public Library, accessed December 15, 2024, https://mail.sc.concordlibrary.org/items/show/2020.